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Classification, how to put out and separate garbage of Tsuyama-city ~家庭ごみの分別・出し方(英語版)~

 I have you confirm a next "classification, how to put out and separate garbage of Tsuyama-city"poster and hope that I have you do classification, how to put out appropriate garbage.

Classification, how to put out and separate garbage of Tsuyama-city 「津山市のごみの分別・出し方」ポスター[1,022KB PDFファイル]



津山市 環境事業課
 直通電話0868-22-8255(業務係) 0868-22-8255(施設係) 0868-32-2203(3R推進係)
 〒708-8501 岡山県津山市山北520
 Eメール gomizero@city.tsuyama.lg.jp